

SoulCollage offerings here.

Series 1

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The SoulStudio...

is a hub of the everyday spirit...
inspires people to uncover essence,
full potential, life purpose...
helps communities thrive...
supports freedom to be me/yourself...
supports unconditional joy & wonder...
involves acts of courage...
welcomes all identities, ages, abilities...
reminds adults how to play...
helps adults and kids play together...
is about personal transformation...
is about community transformation...
eliminates pain of disconnection...
encourages people to try new things...
encourages people to teach what they know and love...
creates intercultural engagement...
offers unconditional regard...
improves the quality of life...
changes lives.













Learn more about my business graphic design offerings here:


Christina Cappelletti, LSW, MSW, MA
Studio: 720.600.3587

SoulStudio Arts ~
Intercultural Arts of the Everyday Spirit

Mission: Bringing people together through community arts to explore, express and activate their essential energy and talents, for authentic, joyful living and a thriving world community.

I am an Artivist -- an artist activist and a professional creative who works with people in realization of freedoms, rights and dreams.

"Be Who YOU Are Created To Be" has been mantra of mine as an artist for many years. I believe every person is born with an essential energy and talent that is unique and critical to the human community and the planet. Children do not question this freedom. But as people grow, we are often thwarted in some way from accessing and fully realizing inherent Creative Spirit. And the world community also suffers this loss.

I launched SoulStudio Arts as a way to combine my social justice passion with my desire to host welcoming gatherings for all community members to create together in open-ended exploration, articulation and celebration of who we each are and what birthright gifts we bring to this world.

Taking time for imaginative art-making loosens our self-limitations and gets us in touch with what we are meant to discover within ourselves. Doing this in community empowers not only ourselves, but the spirits of others who are also seeking their truths and more authentic, passionate living. To see and be met is invigorating to the heart and soul.

Everyone - especially adults - needs space to play where the SuperEgo is not the boss. Any level of skill and experience is welcome. All you need to bring is an open heart to the journeys of self-discovery.

Art is what it IS, not what it should be.

Similarly, when we drop the "should's" from our identities, there's room to remember/explore/marvel in/be who we are created to be.

I offer community arts playshops, seasonal creative gatherings, annual vision board gatherings, Artist's Way salons, SoulCollage™ workshops and retreats, and whatever other ideas come up for "soul-arts" events and gatherings.

Being in the company of imagination and revelation is what inspired me to create SoulStudio Arts and offer these opportunities. Witnessing the uncovering of the awesome spectrum of attributes breathed into each of us by the Source of Life is a deeply nourishing experience that I hope to share with you.

Unguarded Moments So . . . let's CREATE!

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If you are interested in reading more about SoulCollage™, click here.

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